Welcome to

Swedish Club’s Midsummer Party




Time: 11am to 1pm 

Date: Saturday June 22st, 2017

Location: Eccolands Park, 334 River Road, Ottawa 



This year's midsummer celebrations take place in the same place as last year, Eccolands Park, close to Riverside South. There is a gazeboo, access to toilets, a large green meadow and a child friendly play structure in the park. In short, everything you need for a successful midsummer celebration!

Please bring a contribution to the potluck; either something to eat or drink, and/or flowers for the majstång. Below you will find a link to a sign up doc where you can fill out what you bring. You are also welcome to email the midsummer committee with that information.

This event is free for members, but costs 10 dollars for non-members of the Swedish Club.


Registration and Help

Please sign up for SKO Midsummer 2019 here

The midsummar committe can be reached at: festkommiten  at svenskaklubbenottawa.ca




11am Mingle and help decorate the majstång


 Welcome speech, dancing around the majstång.


 Fika and games


1pm Midsummer party ends



Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 22:57

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